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We Believe that children with developmental challenges thrive best when provided with intensive and credible early intervention programs

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We Believe that children with developmental challenges thrive best when provided with intensive and credible early intervention programs

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The SPELL framework

SPELL is the National Autistic Society’s framework for understanding and responding to the needs of autistic children and adults. It focuses on five principles that have been identified as vital elements of good practice when working with autistic people, and emphasises ways to change the environment and our approaches to meet the specific needs of each person. 

The SPELL framework recognises the individual and unique needs of each child and adult and emphasises that planning and intervention be organised on this basis. The SPELL framework can be used with all autistic people, regardless of age or level of support needs.

SPELL stands for:

  • Structure
  • Positive (approaches and expectations)
  • Empathy
  • Low arousal
  • Links


Structure makes the world a more predictable, accessible and safer place. We can support autistic people by creating structured environments using visual information.  Structure can aid personal autonomy and independence by reducing dependence (eg prompting) on others. Environments and processes can be modified to ensure each person knows what is going to happen and what is expected of them, thereby reducing anxiety.

Positive (approaches and expectations) 

We must seek to establish and reinforce self-confidence and self-esteem by building on natural strengths, interests and abilities. 

Expectations should be high but realistic and based on careful assessment. Assessments should be made from as wide a perspective as possible and should include a view of the barriers in accessing opportunity. For example, some autistic people may have difficulty with verbal communication, leading to an underestimation of their ability and potential. Conversely some may have a good grasp of speech but this may mask other difficulties. 

Understanding each person’s skills and strengths is vital when considering how to support the person with what they find challenging.


We must try to see the world from the standpoint of the autistic child or adult, knowing what it is that motivates or interests them but importantly what may also frighten, preoccupy or otherwise distress them. 

Making efforts to understand, respect and relate to the experience of the autistic person must underpin our attempts to develop communication and reduce anxiety. The quality of the relationship between the person and supporter is of vital importance. Effective supporters are calm, predictable, good humoured, empathetic and analytical.

Low arousal 

Approaches and the environment need to be calm and ordered in such a way so as to reduce anxiety and aid concentration. There should be as few distractions as possible, paying attention to noise levels, colour schemes, odours, lighting and clutter, for example. Some people may need more time to process information, especially speech. Clear information should be given in the medium best suited to the individual, with care taken not to overload or bombard. 

Low arousal should not be confused with ‘no arousal’. It is of course desirable that people are exposed to a wide range of experiences but that this is done in a planned and sensitive way. It is recognised that for the most part the individual may benefit most in a setting where sensory and other stimulation can be reduced or controlled. Supplementary relaxation and arousal reduction therapies, multi-sensory rooms, music and massage, sensory diet etc. may be helpful in promoting calm and general well-being, and in reducing anxiety.


Autistic people, their parents or advocates should be seen as partners. Recognise the benefits of sharing information and working alongside the individual, their families and other professionals. Open links and communication will reduce the risk of misunderstanding, confusion or the adoption of fragmented, piecemeal approaches. Create and maintain links between the individual, their wider support networks and the community.